about dastex

For more than 30 years

Since 1979 dastex is known to be a competent partner in all aspects regarding the cleanroom.

It is a maxim of our company that an optimal supply of cleanroom products can only arise and continuously develop if we keep closely in touch with the cleanroom operators.

Our long standing know-how is a guarantee that an extensive and practically orientated product range is available at all times. This will satisfy all our customers needs and at the same time represent the latest in cleanroom development.

dastex is the expert contact for many types of business today: serve users in the areas of Microelectronics, Semiconductor Technology, Precision Engineering, Optics, Air and Spaceflight Engineering as well as the Food and Pharmaceutical Industry.

All our customers can rely on our qualified employees, professional advice and reliable supply of high quality cleanroom products, all of which has led to dastex's excellent reputation.

Complete DADTEX Products Catalog (1.4 MB PDF) 

our mission:

-to be positioned as the world's number one products supplier and service provider by introducing new products to our field .

contact us
33 ibn quotiba street, el zohor      distric  

Cairo,Egypt naser city
Tel: 0224017382
Fax: 0224017382

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